Solid Angle

美 [ˈsɑːlɪd ˈæŋɡl]英 [ˈsɒlɪd ˈæŋɡl]
  • 网络立体角
Solid AngleSolid Angle
  1. The computational method of solid angle and surface integral in integral equation


  2. Development of a set of low temperature and small solid angle alpha spectrometer


  3. Comparison of direct and indirect methods for solving solid angle coefficients


  4. Study about Gas Discharge at Solid Angle and Emulsion Drive Fan Equipment


  5. Radioactivity Measurement of α - nuclides by Small Solid Angle Method


  6. A large solid angle multi - parameter ionization chamber


  7. Preliminary discussion on gas treatment at solid angle of U shape ventilation heading stope


  8. The computational method of integration for solid angle on cross section of the elliptic waveguide


  9. Revision of solid angle in radiation measurement


  10. The solid angle is this component divided by the square of the length of this line .


  11. The Solid Angle Revision of the Magnetic Field Integral Equation with Linear Triangle Basis Functions in Moment Method


  12. Solid Angle of the Multidimensional Space


  13. Large Solid Angle Bragg Detector


  14. Detection efficiency of mica for fission fragments under the geometry with the solid angle less than


  15. Calculation of solid angle of pixels of IRFPA detector under circular cold shield and its imaging simulation


  16. Computing method of integration in the boundary element method (ⅰ) the computation of integration for solid angle on a surface of cylindrical boundary


  17. Study on Ray-tracing Simulation in Solid Angle Way and Parallel Computation with Frequencies and the Application in Auditorium Acoustics Design


  18. It covers geometrically 86 % of the 4 π solid angle and has very low detection thresholds .


  19. Light collecting efficiency of PMT in the position is in proportion to solid angle of the PMT at the position .


  20. The ratio of the flux emitted within the solid angle defined by the beam spread , to the bare lamp flux .


  21. The quality of the radioactive sample can be measured and α count definitely with small solid angle device , thus to put out the quality of sample .


  22. The brightness or luminance of an object is defined as the luminous flux emitted per unit area of the object into unit solid angle .


  23. It was found that the coherent length became shorter and the spectrum resolving power became lower as a result of solid angle produced by the extended light source .


  24. Laser beam is propagated in the long range and diffused by the target in the solid angle n. So the real reflected optical energy is very weak .


  25. Using the grid ionization chamber method and small solid angle method , the number of 238 U nucleus in the highly pure U 3O 8 sample is determined .


  26. When put forward the concept of critical angle for the large displacement cross-section design of wells to determine the key parameters of solid angle provides a theoretical basis and selection range .


  27. The spectrometer has a maximum acceptance of solid angle 5 × 10 - 4 sr , a momentum range 0.2 & 1.3GeV/c .


  28. Lumen : The unit for measuring luminous flux . One lumen is the flux emitted in one solid angle by a point light source of one candela .


  29. The conclusion that integration of solid angle for lateral surface of a cylinder can be turned into integration for bottom surface is applied to change the integral equation into discrete equation .


  30. Different from the traditional electrostatic spectrometer , higher detection efficiency can be achieved in the new type spectrometer and all electrons ( in 4 π solid angle ) with any energy can be detected in single measurement .
